I spent 3.5 years in Japan working at Sony Interactive Entertainment on the PlayStation marketing and localization teams. My experiences have taught me about the challenges and rewards of delivering quality gaming experiences to audiences around the world from both user-centric and product-centric perspectives.

Most of my work involved working across cultural and linguistic boundaries. I was responsible for marketing Japanese versions of Western games and managing localization projects for Japanese and English games into Chinese and Korean. I was also an assistant on the PlayStation 4 hardware launch team during my first year at Sony.


Marketing Communications Manager

Localization Project Manager


Marketing Strategy & Execution

Promotion & Sales

Event Management

Project Management

Software Translation & QA


Lead 3 marketing campaigns

Managed budgets of $1M+

Shipped 10+ localized games

Helped launch PlayStation 4


I joined Sony Interactive Entertainment in October 2012 as one of two non-Japanese members of a 40+ person marketing team. There, I had the opportunity to learn about Japan's games industry and contribute to a number of different initiatives in communicating both hardware and software products. Later, I spent a year working in localization, where I was a facilitator and enabler for bringing Japanese and Western games to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and China.

Marketing work

A selection of games I've marketed and a few details about my work during the PlayStation 4 launch in Japan.

A bit more about my localization responsibilities

I was a project manager on the third-party localization team at PlayStation's Asia division. My role was to work with strategy teams to help video game publishers and developers localize their games into Chinese and Korean.

For my role, I coordinated game directors, producers, programmers, and designers to resolve localization issues for 10+ game titles by managing project milestones, assessing risk, and monitoring asset quality. A lot of my work involved leveraging a combination of Japanese and English to keep all stakeholders updated on project progress. When issues arised I was directly responsible for putting out fires by doing my own translation checking, software debugging, and technical requirements (TRC) checking.

Companies I've worked with: Square Enix, Bandai Namco, SEGA, Capcom, Paradox Games, Idea Factory